Gott & Blandat Sour – Candy Bag
Malaco Gott & Blandat Sour is a popular candy mix created by Malaco, a confectionery brand based in Sweden. It is specifically designed for those who enjoy a tangy and sour flavor experience.
Malaco Gott & Blandat Sour features a variety of sour candies that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. The assortment typically includes a mix of sour gummies, chewy candies, and sour-coated treats. These candies are often coated with a sour sugar or powder, which intensifies the sourness and adds a burst of flavor.
The flavors in Malaco Gott & Blandat Sour range from fruity to tangy, with a delightful balance of sweetness and sourness. You can expect to find flavors such as sour apple, sour strawberry, sour cherry, and more. Each candy offers a different taste sensation, ensuring a diverse and exciting snacking experience.
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