Swedish Candy Store

Peanutbutter Rings

1 063 Ikr
In stock and available

Estrella Peanutbutter Rings, Crispy And Sweet

Estrella Peanutbutter Rings are crispy snack rings flavored with real peanut butter. A classic from Estrella since 1977. The crispy base is a crunchy whole grain blend of corn, rice, rye, and barley shaped into rings that are perfect for both big and small nut lovers. A vegan-friendly snack from the chip factory in Gothenburg that makes every delicious moment a bit crunchier.


WORDNUT BUTTER 29% (ground roasted PEANUTS, dextrose, salt), corn flour, rice flour, sunflower/rapeseed oil, barley flour, rye flour, sugar, salt, dextrose.


250g: 7310532113950